AECOsim Building Designer Help

Export to Vulcan HVAC Fabrication

Used to export Vulcan compatible component data for automated fabrication to fabrication software.

Accessed from:
  • Ribbon: File > Export > Fabrication File Types > Vulcan
Exports HVAC component data to Vulcan fabrication software through Publish i-model dialog. Pattern mapping for the most common fittings is appended automatically to the Bentley model. The Vulcan codes integral in the i-dgn created from the design model interfaces with external manufacturing applications upon importing in Vulcan software.

This expert interoperability is developed using the advanced technology of Vulcan Fabrication Software of Trimble. It writes to all major controllers, cutting tables and coil lines for automated duct fabrication helps in sustaining a long term proven solution for interfacing to fabrication. This utility has proven advantages over other third party export utilities used in interoperability with HVAC fabrication. Vulcan fabrication application interfaces with i-model generated in the export process supporting interoperability.

The export maps the component data embedded in i-model to all properties and parameters set for automated duct fabrication. Component mapping achieves precise results of Export Component data supporting i-model interoperability. The component data ranges from catalog types, properties and standard options and their order corresponds to Vulcan pattern library which is securely embedded in the i-model.

In Vulcan software, you can set up a project in a given unit system and create a job. The job information of a fitting standards for a given metal, liner, pressure and associated label and options is defined. Pattern mapping for the most common fittings is appended automatically to the Bentley model and i-dgn created from the design. The i-model file is then imported in the job, which can drive the most commonly industry used cutting tables. The import commands makes use of the mapped data and populates the component details in a tabulated format. Once the job is processed it generates graphical patterns on a drawing sheet for review. Once in Vulcan the fitting patterns are laid out to minimize material waste and allow for lock and seam allowances. Specifications can be set based on pressure gauge and labels are created to assemble and identify the fittings.

Example of a Vulcan Properties string

The component data includes catalog types, properties and standard options and their order correspond to Vulcan pattern library is imported back to Vulcan data using external utility such as iModel2Vulcan.

Key-in: bmech vulcan export