RAM Structural System Help

Layout - Loads - Line

Most Line Loads on beams are generated automatically by the program by distributing the applied surface loads to adjacent beams. Additional Line Loads, such as skin loads, can be modeled by applying a user input Line Load on the beams where the load will be applied. Line loads applied within the free span of a deck/slab will be distributed to supporting members. See the RAM Steel Beam manual for more information on the distribution of a line load on a deck.

Selecting the Layout - Loads - Line command causes the Line Load Layout Mode dialog box to appear. Load properties must be specified in PropTable - Loads - Line before being assigned; that command can also be invoked by selecting the Property Table >> button.

Clicking the Add, Show, Change, or Delete buttons will cause the dialog box to disappear, and the RAM Modeler to enter the Line Load Layout Mode.

How To:

Return to the Line Load Layout dialog box with the Right Mouse Button or the "D" key.

Return to the Layout - Loads menu with the "M" key.

Clicking Property Table >> button will bring up the PropTable_ - Loads - Line dialog box.

Clicking the Cancel button or selecting any other RAM Modeler Layout command will end the Layout - Loads - Line command.