RAM Structural System Help

View - Members

Image Description
Selecting the View - Members command causes the Member Options dialog box to appear. From this box you control which member types appear on the screen

There is one tabbed folder per member type. Clicking the tab of a folder will cause it to move to the top of the stack. On the tabbed folder are check boxes indicating the display options: Display, Shrink, Labels, Fixity, Orientation. Putting a check in a box indicates that you want that attribute to be displayed. Clearing the check from the box indicates that the attribute should be hidden.

Once choices have been made, the screen display can be previewed, by clicking the Preview button. The preview will be displayed in the preview box.

Clicking the OK button will save the changes made to the display options and redraw the screen using these options. Clicking Cancel will close the dialog box without making any changes to the screen display.

To save the display options as defaults for the current model, use the View - Options - Save Settings command.