MicroStation Help

New and Changed in MicroStation 2023

This topic summarizes the new features and enhancements in MicroStation 2023.

Ability to access PopSet toggle from the Ribbon.

The PopSet toggle is now made available in the Ribbon (Home > Primary) and in the Quick Access Toolbar.

Ability to attach .BIM files as references using the Attach iTwin tool

A new drop-down is added in the Attach iTwin as Reference dialog that allows you to select and attach a local .BIM file as a reference.

Ability to control the display of Text Field background

You can now use the Text Field background option in the View Attributes dialog to control the display of the field background color. If On, text fields are displayed with a light grey background or the Field Background color defined in the Text Style. If off, will display text field without background.

Ability to incorporate Geospatial context information in a design

You can now design with reference to geospatial context using the tools available in the new Geospatial Context workflow. You can incorporate geospatial information such as utilities, underground piping, type of soil, urban planning, streets, etc. in DGN files. The Geospatial Context workflow provides direct integration with Esri ArcGIS REST Map and Feature services and also to WFS service from OGC (Technology Preview feature).

Ability to set the maximum number of elements to be displayed in the Properties Dialog

You can now set the maximum number of elements whose properties can be displayed in the Properties Dialog. You can define the value in the Explorer Settings Dialog Maximum Elements field. By default, the value is set to 5000 which you can change as desired.

Ability to select the attributes of cut profile

While creating a cut feature on a solid, you can now choose to use the profile element’s attributes for the feature using the Use Profile Attributes option in the Cut Solid with Curve tool. Turn on this check box to apply the profile element’s attributes on the cut feature.

Esc exits command setting for DWG files

In the DWG Workmode the Esc exits command is set to ON by default in the Preferences Dialog, Input category. This will allow you to work with a familiar DWG workflow.

Issue Resolution Service enhancements

  • Element Markers - you can now see element markers on elements that have Issues associated with them. Clicking on these markers will open the Issue for managing. To view the element markers, you must turn On Issues Markers in the View Attributes Dialog, Presentation Section.

  • Fit to view - you can now zoom in and fit the view to locate an Issue in the design. You can do so by selecting the thumbnail corresponding to the issue in the Issues dialog.

Bing Maps Enhancements

You can now access and assign a Bing map type using the Assign Background Map tool available in the Ribbon. You can easily apply the map settings to multiple views using the Bing Maps tool.

Enhancement to the Saved Views Dialog

You can now see new settings, View Groups and View Index in View Groups, in the Saved Views Dialog. These settings display view information for the respective saved views.

About Technology Preview Features

Some features in this update are provided as Technology Preview.
Note: Take advantage of this Technology Preview, a non-public software service and/or application for evaluation purposes only. Please use the Technology Preview in your normal business environment as needed to form an opinion concerning the performance of the Technology Preview. Bentley personnel would welcome your valued feedback concerning the performance of the Technology Preview as you evaluate the capabilities. Please be aware that at some point, you may receive notice from Bentley that such use must cease or this Technology Preview will become unavailable to you. As we receive feedback, this Technology Preview may also be enhanced, updated or also discontinued without notice. As a Technology Preview, it is provided to you "as-is" without the benefit of any Bentley warranty, indemnity or support obligation.

(Technology Preview) Ability to loft a given profile along closed section elements with guide wires

You can now create a parametric solid by lofting given section elements with guide wires. You can use the option Loft by Sections with Guide Wires from Loft Solid tool in the Create Solids tab from the ribbon.

(Technology Preview) Ability to select an ACS while using Move ACS

A new drop-down is added in the Move ACS tool where you can select an ACS and move it without creating a new unnamed ACS.

(Technology Preview) Ability to select an ACS while using Rotate ACS

In the Rotate ACS tool setting a new drop-down is added for selecting an available ACS. You can select an ACS, set desired values for angles in the X, Y and Z fields and click in the view window. The selected ACS is rotated instead of creating a new rotated ACS.

(Technology Preview) Ability to view most recent commands in the Pop-up menu

Recents tab has been added to the Keyboard Shortcuts that displays a list of recently used commands.

You can customize the number of displayed commands by adjusting the Maximum Recent Icons slider in the Preferences Dialog, Input Category.

(Technology Preview) Ability to view the variables associated with an element on selection

You can now select an element and view the variables assigned to it in the active view. You can do so by selecting the Select by Elements icon in the Variables Dialog.

(Technology Preview) Ability to view the elements associates with a variable on selection

You can now select a variable and view the element associated with it in the current view. You can do so by selecting the Select Elements icon in the Variables Dialog.

(Technology Preview) Ability to sort the variables in ascending or descending order

You can now sort the variables alphabetically in ascending or descending order by selecting the Ascending/Descending order tool in the Variables Dialog.

(Technology Preview) Ability to search variables by name

You can now search for variables by their names in the Variables Dialog by using the Search by Variables tool. This tool also includes a filter that allows you to navigate to previously searched variables.

Item Type Enhancements

  • (Technology Preview) Ability to Place Item Type Text on Selected Level

    You can now place the Item Type text from the attached Item Types on the desired level using Attach Item dialog. A new level drop-down is added in the Attach Item dialog for selecting the level to place Item Iype text. You will see all the levels available in the Level Manager in this new drop-down. You no longer have to use the level manager to select the desired level to place the Item Type text. This will save time while placing the Item Type text.

    The level drop-down is also provided on the Edit Item dialog and Clone Items tool.

    • Filter provision in the Level drop-down in Attach Item/Edit Item/Clone tool

      Level Filter is now available in the Attach Item dialog in the Level drop-down. This Level Filter displays the DGN level filters available in the Level Manager. You can select the Level Filter with respect to the DGN Level in the Level drop-down.

      The Level Filter is also available on Edit Item Dialog and Clone Items tool.

  • (Technology Preview) Ability to define formatter for ItemType text in ItemType manager
    A new option, Add Text Formatting, is added to allow the formatting of Item Type text. This functionality is the same as text formatting done in the Text Editor. Right-clicking on a property definition opens a pop-up menu with this new option added.

  • (Technology Preview) Ability to Set Default Value Field for Calculated Property in Item Type Manager

    A new field, Is default value, is added to the Calculated Property for the Property definition in the Item Types manager. It allows you to set the default value to editable or non-editable. Is default value field is activated only when the Calculated Property is in the form of an Expression.

    The Expression under the Calculated Property is executed for every new placement. This value coming from the Expression is editable when you set Is default value to Yes and non-editable if you set Is default value to No.

  • (Technology Preview) Annotation Scale Lock in all dialogs
    You can now change the annotation scale on the Item Type text field. Annotation scale lock is currently provided to the Attach Item dialog.This lock is synchronized with the icon in the Lock dialog Box and under the Utilities Tab. If you turn ON/OFF the Annotation Scale Lock in either of the three (Attach item dialog box, Lock Dialog box, and Utilities tab), it will reflect in all these three places. Annotation lock is also provided in Clone Items Tool, Edit Item dialog, and single Attach Item dialog.

  • (Technology Preview) Enhancement to the Table Style Manager dialog
    You can now find the following enhancements in the Table Style Manager dialog:
    • Table Style Manager shows all the captured settings.
      • For all rows, under the General tab it captures: Fill color, Body row text style, Default text color, and Alignment of text.
      • For all rows, under Title, Header, Body, Summary, and footer it captures Text style and Fill color. Each row type is presented in a different tab.
    • Table Style Manager shows the table preview for the selected table style.
  • (Technology Preview) Force Association of the Item Type text with the Source Element from the Text Editor

    Item Type Text Association is already available for the text placed using Attach Item dialog. Now, this functionality is available for the fields from the Text Editor. The new setting is provided for associating the text placed fromText Editor to the Item Type properties only. You will now see the checkbox Force association with source element provided on the Fields Editor dialog.

  • (Technology Preview) Ability to Place the Item Type Text with Respect to View Orientation

    You can now place the Item Type text with respect to the view orientation of the respective elements.

  • (Technology Preview) Item Type Text Propagation for Multi-line Partial Delete Tool

    The Item Type text propagation is now applied to the Multi-Line partial delete tool. If there is any Item Type information associated with the multi-line, the Item Type propagation is applied to both the parent and the child element.

Deprecated Features

The following features have been removed:
  • Drawing Pointer Color from Design File Settings, Color Category.
  • Feedback Services.
  • The following tools are not supported by the latest Google Earth versions and hence are removed:
    • Synchronize Google Earth View
    • Follow Google Earth View
    • Capture Google Earth Image
    • Play Camera Animation in Google Earth

Features Moved from Technology Preview to Commercial Release

The following features that were available as Technology Preview in previous updates, have been commercially released in this update: