iTwin Synchronizer

To Login to iTwin Synchronizer

Logging in to the iTwin Synchronizer is a one-time process. Once you login, every time you start the application you will stay logged in unless you manually logout.
  1. Start iTwin Synchronizer.
    You will see the Sign In page.

  2. Click Sign In.

    The IMS Account login page opens.

  3. Sign in with your registered email address and password.

    The Manage Permission page opens.

  4. Read the requests carefully and select Yes Allow to grant iTwin Synchronizer permission to access the listed information.
  5. Return to the application.

    You will be signed in and your initials will display in the top right of the Synchronizations page.

    You can logout by clicking on the circle with your initials and selecting Log Out.

    If you choose to logout, to login again, follow the above steps.