Work Manager

To Create a Task

Follow these steps to create a task.
  1. From the Work Manager Inbox, click New ( ). The New Task page appears.
  2. Select a Template from the list.
    Note: This field is required.
  3. Enter a Name for the task.
    Note: This field is required.
  4. Select a Plan Start Date.
    Note: This field is required.
  5. Enter the Duration (Days).
    Note: This field is required for standalone tasks, and is calculated based on the workflows template.
  6. In the Assign First Task To area, do the following:
    1. To assign the task to a skill, select a Skill from the list, otherwise leave this blank.
    2. To assign the task to a person, select an Assignee from the list.
  7. Enter a Description for the task.
  8. When you are finished, do one of the following: .

    Click Create ( ).

    The task is created.

    Note: If you choose this option, a warning dialog appears notifying you that you must still assign and approve the task, and set the task schedule via ALIM Web.


    Select Create and Approve option from the Create button.

    The task is automatically created in ALIM Web, assigned, approved, and the schedule for the task is also created, all within Work Manager.

The task appears in the Inbox.