Work Manager

The User Interface

The Work Manager user interface consists of the:

  1. Header – The Header displays your application name and icon, project selector and your user icon.
  2. Sidebar – The Sidebar displays the Work Manager icon ( ). If the Work Manager service is integrated with other applications, other application icons will appear here.
  3. Sidebar Menu – The Sidebar Menu displays sub menus or options.
  4. Main View – The Main View displays detailed information about the current selected option.
For example,

Work Manager Folders

The following table lists all of the possible Work Manager folders that may exist.

Folder Description
Inbox Displays child tasks that have not yet been accepted. Once the task is accepted, it changes to "Work in Progress".
Work in Progress Displays child tasks that are assigned to you that are currently in progress
Planned Displays child tasks that are forthcoming
Completed Displays completed child tasks
Tasks to be reassigned Displays child tasks that were rejected but not yet reassigned
Rejected Displays the child tasks that were rejected
Created by me Displays the standalone tasks or workflows that you have created