TMA Mobile Help

Inspection List

Use the Inspection List command to show a list of all inspections downloaded on your device. You can use the Inspection List for drop-down to filter the list and only show inspections assigned to a particular user.

It is possible to sort the list by clicking on any of the column headers.

The Schedule Date column is color-coded using the following rules, applied in this order:

  • Completed, valid and sent inspections are shown white
  • Modified, unsent inspections are shown blue
  • Expired inspections are shown red
  • Inspections with a schedule date in the next 7 days are shown in yellow
  • Inspections with a schedule date in more than 7 days are shown green.

Clicking on the pin icon at the beginning of a row will show the selected inspection on the map. Clicking anywhere else on the row will show the inspection form for the selected inspection.

The Inspections Nearby command will also show an inspection list. Only the inspections that are present in the map view will be shown along with a distance from the center of the view.