Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Load to Extended Data

Creating color-coding and annotation is also possible for the imported SCADA data. To utilize this feature, SCADA Data needs to be loaded to a custom data field, normally called as User Data Extensions (UDX). These UDX will automatically be created by SCADAConnect once the steps described below are completed.

Once the data is in a field of a hydraulic model, you can access the data of that field in Flex Table, Graph, Color-coding, Annotations, etc.

To Import the SCADA data to a custom field or UDX:

  1. Within in SCADAConnect window, click on Tools > Load to Extended Data.
  2. The Load Extended Data dialog opens:

  3. There are four major options group available under Load Extended Data.
  4. Import Option: Specify whether data from Historical database source or Real-time database source should be used while fetching the SCADA data.
  5. Target Scenario: When an existing scenario is provided in the Existing Scenario drop down, initial settings data of the hydraulic model will be overwritten by the fetched SCADA data.
  6. A new scenario can also be created by selecting New Scenario option. Specify the name of the newly created scenario and the Parent Scenario of this new scenario. If <None> is selected, a new base scenario will be created.
  7. Target Alternative: Similar to Target Scenario, specify whether the imported SCADA data should overwrite the existing data or create a new alternative. To overwrite the existing hydraulic data, select Existing Alternative and select the desired alternative from the drop down. Accordingly, to create a new alternative, select New Alternative, provide a name and then select the Parent Alternative. If <None> is selected, a new base alternative will be created.
  8. Selection Set: A selection set, containing elements whose data were imported will be created when Create a selection-set of elements having SCADA signals is checked. This method is particularly helpful to double check the updated elements attribute.
  9. Once the information are provided on above four options, Click OK on Load Extended Data dialog box to complete the import process.