Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Product Activation (Users)

The product licensing process is as follows:

  1. Installation - During installation, the CONNECTION Client will be installed, which manages product licensing.
  2. Sign in
  3. Select the Feature Level (does not apply to FlowMaster or CulvertMaster)
    • This product is licensed by feature level, so you must select the feature level that the product will record usage against. Your organization may own perpetual licenses and/or have feature levels available to you from a subscription (for example SELECT OpenAccess)

    • One feature level owned:
      • If your organization owns perpetual licenses for only one distinct feature level, it will be selected for you automatically when the application opens. For example your organization may have a SELECT OpenAccess subscription enabling access all possible feature levels, but you only own perpetual licenses for one particular feature level.

    • Multiple feature levels:
      • If your organization owns perpetual licenses for multiple feature levels, or if it only has subscription-based feature levels available, the Feature Level Selector will be presented.

      • Perpetual license feature levels that your organization owns are clearly differentiated from other feature levels available to you via a subscription.

      • If you select a feature level that is not owned, an alert will warn about potential term license charges.

      • The number of owned licenses is clearly shown, and by default the list is filtered to show only those licenses (unless there are no owned licenses).

      • Click the "Select" button next to the feature level you would like to use, then click "Done" to open the product.

      • For details on using the Feature Level Selector, see: Setting the License Feature Level in the Feature Level Selector

  4. General Access and Concurrent use check
    • General Access
      • If you encounter a message stating that access is denied, it is in reference to the specific feature level that you selected (except for FlowMaster and CulvertMaster, which do not use feature levels). You may still have access to other feature levels for that product. You can change the feature level using the License Tool (from the Start menu).
    • Concurrent Use
      • If your administrator has set a concurrent use threshold and you have exceeded it, you will be presented with an alert where you can choose to "cancel and quit" or "acknowledge".

        • Cancel and Quit

          : if this is selected, the application will not open. If desired, you can change the feature level using the License Tool (for products other than FlowMaster and CulvertMaster).

        • Acknowledge

          : If you acknowledge, this will be recorded, and the Administrator can optionally be notified of your choice. The product will then open and record usage against that selected feature level. Exceeding the threshold could result in overages, if the peak usage will exceed the number of perpetual licenses your organization owns.

      • NOTE: concurrent use thresholds do not guarantee that no overage will occur (e.g. network delay/outage issues - see more in the CONNECT Licensing FAQ.)

  5. Subsequent product use
    • After the first time the application is opened, it will simply continue to use the previously selected feature level.

    • If you do not sign in, or network connectivity is interrupted and your administrator has not disabled offline use, you will be able to continue using the product for a limited number of days.