Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

LID Control-Hydrology

LID Control-Hydrology Attributes

Attribute Description
Low Impact Development Control Specify the LID Definition to associate with the LID control.
Occupies Full Subcatchment? If set to True then the LID will occupy the full area of the LID’s owning catchment.
Area of Each Unit Specify the surface area occupied by the LID.
Top Width of Overland Flow Surface of Each Unit The width of the outflow face of each identical LID unit.
Percent Initially Saturated For Bio-Retention Cells, this is the degree to which the unit’s soil is initially filled with water (0 saturation corresponds to the wilting point moisture content, 100 saturation has the moisture content equal to the porosity). The storage zone beneath the soil zone of the cell is assumed to be completely dry. For other types of LIDs it corresponds to the degree to which their storage zone is initially filled with water.
Percent Impervious Area Treated The percent of the impervious portion of the subcatchment’s non-LID area whose runoff is treated by the LID practice.
Send Outflow to Pervious Area? Select this option if the outflow from the LID is returned onto the subcatchment’s pervious area rather than going to the subcatchment’s outlet. An example of where this might apply is a rain barrel whose contents are used to irrigate a lawn area. This field is ignored if the LID takes up the entire subcatchment.
Number of Replicate Units The number of equally sized LID units.