Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Initial Buildup Collection Dialog Box

Last updated: October 25, 2019

Low-Impact Development (LID) is a term used in the US and Canada to describe a more eco-friendly land planning and design approach to stormwater management. In the United Kingdom, this approach is referred to sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS), and in Australia, it's called water-sensitive urban design (WSUD). The US terminology is used in this software and its documentation.

LID controls help developed watersheds or sites to retain or enhance pre-development hydrologic characteristics through the use of techniques that conserve natural systems and hydrologic functions.

Some of the goals of LID are to:

  • Protect natural systems such as drainage ways, vegetation, and soils
  • Decentralize stormwater management, shifting it to small-scale practices at the source location
  • Preserve open space
  • Minimize land disturbance and impervious area
  • Disconnect impervious surfaces
  • Increase flow path lengths and travel times
  • Customize site design to the needs of a particular site, instead of simply relying on traditionally accepted practices

A number of government agencies, universities, and other groups publish educational information, research and design guidance for implementing LID and LID controls. Places to start include:

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Low Impact Development website and fact sheet on Low Impact Development (LID) and Other Green Design Strategies
  • Low Impact Development Center
  • Low Impact Development (LID) Urban Design Tools Website