Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Error Messages

Note: If you encounter these errors or warnings, we recommend that you correct the problems in your original data source and re-run ModelBuilder (when applicable).

Error messages include:

  • Unable to assign <attribute> for element <element>.

    Be sure that the data in your source table is compatible with the expected format.

  • Unable to create <element type> <element>.

    This message indicates that an unexpected error occurred when attempting to create a node element.

  • Unable to create pipe <element> possibly due to start or stop connectivity constraints.

    This message indicates that this pipe could not be created, because the pump or valve already has an incoming and outgoing pipe. Adding a third pipe to a pump or valve is not allowed.

  • Unable to update pipe <element> topology; possibly due to start element connectivity constraints.

    This error occurs when synchronizing. For more information, see error message #3 (above).

  • Operation terminated by user.

    You pressed the Cancel button during the ModelBuilder process.

  • Unable to create < element>; pipe start and stop must be different.

    This message indicates that the start and stop specified for this pipe refer to the same node element.

  • Unable to update <element> topology; pipe start and stop must be different.

    This message indicates that the start and stop specified for this pipe refer to the same node element.

  • Unable to update the downstream edge for <element>.

    An unexpected error occurred attempting to set the downstream edge for this pump or valve.

  • Nothing to do. Some previously referenced tables may be missing from your data source.

    This data source has changed since this connection was created. Verify that tables/feature-classes in your data source have not been renamed or deleted.

  • One or more input features fall outside of the XYDomain.

    This error occurs when model elements have been imported into a new geodatabase that has a different spatial reference from the elements being created. Elements cannot be created in ArcMAP if they are outside the spatial bounds of the geodatabase.

    The solution is to assign the correct X/Y Domain to the new geodatabase when it is being created:

    • In the Attach Geodatabase dialog that appears after you initialize the Create New Hydraulic Model command, click the Change button.
    • In the Spatial Reference Properties dialog that appears, click the Import button.
    • Browse to the datasource you will be using in ModelBuilder and click Add.
    • Back in the Spatial Reference Properties dialog, click the x/Y Domain tab. The settings should match those of the datasource.
    • Use ModelBuilder to create the model from the datasource.