Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Physical Alternative for Conduits

The physical alternative editor for conduits is used to create various data sets for the physical characteristics of conduits. The following columns are available:

Column Description
ID Displays the unique identifier for each element in the alternative.
Label Displays the label for each element in the alternative.
Egg Rise Lets you define the rise (height) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have an egg Section Type.
Number of Barrels Lets you specify the number of hydraulically identical conduit barrels that make up the conduit. This column is only available for elements whose Conduit Type is Closed Conduit.
Horseshoe Span Lets you define the span (width) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have a horseshoe Section Type.
Horseshoe Rise Lets you define the rise (height) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have a horseshoe Section Type.
Ellipse Span Lets you define the span (width) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have a an ellipse Section Type.
Ellipse Rise Lets you define the rise (height) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have an ellipse Section Type.
Basket Span Lets you define the span (width) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have a basket-handle Section Type.
Basket Rise Lets you define the rise (height) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have a basket-handle Section Type.
Box Equation Form Lets you specify the form of equation that should be used when applying culvert data. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Box Kr Lets you define the reverse flow loss value for the associated conduit. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Box Ke Lets you define the entrance loss value for the associated conduit. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Box Slope Correction Factor Lets you define the Slope Correction Factor to be used in inlet control calculations. Normally this factor is –0.5, but for mitered inlets, HDS No. 5 suggests +0.7. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Box Y Lets you define the Y equation coefficient that is used in the submerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Box M Lets you define the M equation coefficient that is used in both forms of the unsubmerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Box C Lets you define the C equation coefficient that is used in the submerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Box K Lets you define the K equation coefficient that is used in both forms of the unsubmerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Box Inlet Description Lets you enter an inlet description for the associated conduit. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Box Apply Culvert Data Lets you specify whether the associated box conduit does or does not apply culvert data.
Box Span Lets you define the span (width) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have an box Section Type.
Box Rise Lets you define the rise (height) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have an box Section Type.
Circle Equation Form Contains list boxes that allow you to specify the form of equation that should be used when applying culvert data. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Circle Kr Lets you define the reverse flow loss value for the associated conduit. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Circle Ke Lets you define the entrance loss value for the associated conduit. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Circle Slope Correction Factor Lets you define the Slope Correction Factor to be used in inlet control calculations. Normally this factor is –0.5, but for mitered inlets, HDS No. 5 suggests +0.7. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Circle Y Lets you define the Y equation coefficient that is used in the submerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Circle M Lets you define the M equation coefficient that is used in both forms of the unsubmerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Circle C Lets you define the C equation coefficient that is used in the submerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Circle K Lets you define the K equation coefficient that is used in both forms of the unsubmerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Circle Inlet Description Lets you enter an inlet description for the associated conduit. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Circle Apply Culvert Data Lets you specify whether the associated box conduit does or does not apply culvert data.
Diameter Lets you define the diameter of the associated conduits. This column is only available for circular conduits.
Slope (Left Side) Lets you define the left side slope of the associated conduits. This column is only available for conduits that have a Trapezoidal Section Type.
Slope (Right Side) Lets you define the right side slope of the associated conduits. This column is only available for conduits that have a Trapezoidal Section Type.
Trapezoidal Channel Depth Lets you define the depth of the associated conduits. This column is only available for conduits that have a Trapezoidal Section Type.
Base Width Lets you define the base width of the associated conduits. This column is only available for conduits that have a Trapezoidal Section Type.
Section Type Lets you specify the section type for each conduit in the alternative. The value that is chosen affects the available input data for other columns.
Outlet Structure Lets you specify the previously defined outlet structure associated with the conduit.
Has Control Structure Lets you specify whether or not the associated conduit has a control structure.
Length (User Defined) Lets you define the length of each channel in the alternative that has a user—defined length.
Has User Defined Length Lets you specify whether the channel has a user-defined or schematic length.
Channel Manning’s n Lets you specify the Manning’s roughness value for each channel in the alternative. This column is only available for conduits that have a Trapezoidal Channel or Overbank Channel Section Type.
Right Overbank Manning’s n Lets you specify the Manning’s roughness value for the right overbank of each channel in the alternative. This column is only available for conduits that have a Trapezoidal Channel or Irregular Channel Section Type.
Left Overbank Manning’s n Lets you specify the Manning’s roughness value for the left overbank of each channel in the alternative. This column is only available for conduits that have a Trapezoidal Channel or Irregular Channel Section Type.
Elevations Modifier The Elevations modifier is a constant value that will be added to each elevation value. This attribute is only used during SWMM calculations.
Stations Modifier The Stations modifier is a factor by which the distance between each station will be multiplied when the transect data is processed by SWMM. Use a value of 0 if no such factor is needed. This attribute is only used during SWMM calculations.
Right Bank Station The distance values appearing in the Station/Elevation grid that mark the end of the left overbank and the start of the right overbank. Use 0 to denote the absence of an overbank.
Left Bank Station The distance values appearing in the Station/Elevation grid that mark the end of the left overbank and the start of the right overbank. Use 0 to denote the absence of an overbank.
Material The name of the material used. Alternatively, clicking the Ellipsis (…) button opens the Material Engineering Library, allowing you to select a pre-defined material. If a pre-defined material is chosen, the roughness value will change accordingly.
Invert (Stop) Lets you define the downstream pipe invert.
Set Invert to Stop Node Lets you automatically set the upstream pipe invert to the elevation of the upstream node.
Invert (Start) Lets you define the upstream pipe invert.
Set Invert to Start Node Lets you automatically set the upstream pipe invert to the elevation of the downstream node.
Exit Loss Coefficient Lets you define the exit loss coefficient for the associated conduits.
Entrance Loss Coefficient Lets you define the entrance loss coefficient for the associated conduits.
Contraction Loss Coefficient Lets you define the contraction loss of the conduit. The contraction loss is due to flow transitioning from large-area, low-velocity flow to small-area, high-velocity flow, such as flow exiting a structure and entering a downstream pipe
Expansion Loss Coefficient Lets you define the expansion loss of the conduit. Expansion losses are encountered when small-area, high-velocity flow meets a large-area, low-velocity flow, such as a pipe discharging into a structure.
Stop Control Structure Lets you design a stop control structure, or choose a preexisting one. Click the Ellipsis (…) button to open the Conduit Control Structure dialog box to set up the control structure you want to use.
Has Stop Control Structure Lets you define whether or not the currently highlighted element has a stop control structure, and if so, which type. The value chosen here affects the availability of the other fields. If this is set to True, an icon displays at the start/stop—end of the conduit to display the presence of the structure.
Start Control Structure Lets you design a start control structure, or choose a preexisting one. Click the Ellipsis (…) button to open the Conduit Control Structure dialog box to set up the control structure you want to use.
Has Start Control Structure Lets you define whether or not the currently highlighted element has a start control structure, and if so, which type. The value chosen here affects the availability of the other fields. If this is set to True, an icon displays at the start/stop—end of the conduit to display the presence of the structure.
Flap Gate? Lets you choose whether or not the highlighted element has a flap gate. If this is set to True , and icon displays at the stop-end of the conduit to display the presence of the structure. If this is set to True and you design control structures without flap gates selected, the flap gate check box will be enabled for your control structures and a message displayed.
Manning’s n Flow Curve Lets you define points that describe a roughness-flow curve for the currently highlighted element. Click in the field to display an Ellipsis (…) button, and click the Ellipsis (…) button to use the Manning’s n-Flow Curve dialog box. To use this field, you must set Roughness Type attribute is set to Manning’s n-Flow.
Manning’s n Depth Curve Lets you define points that describe a roughness-depth curve for the currently highlighted element. Click in the field to display an Ellipsis (…) button, and click the Ellipsis (…) button to use the Manning’s n-Depth Curve dialog box. To use this field, you must set Roughness Type attribute is set to Manning’s n-Depth Curve.
Manning’s n Lets you define the Manning’s roughness value for the associated conduits. This column is only available for conduits that use the Single Manning’s n Roughness Type.
Roughness Type Lets you specify the roughness type for each conduit in the alternative.
Arch Span Lets you define the span (width) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have an arch Section Type.
Arch Rise Lets you define the rise (height) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have an arch Section Type.
Catalog Pipe Equation Form Let you specify the form of equation that should be used when applying culvert data. This column is only available for catalog pipe conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Catalog Pipe Kr Lets you define the reverse flow loss value for the associated conduit. This column is only available for catalog pipe conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Catalog Pipe Ke Lets you define the entrance loss value for the associated conduit. This column is only available for box conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Catalog Pipe Slope Correction Factor Lets you define the Slope Correction Factor to be used in inlet control calculations. Normally this factor is –0.5, but for mitered inlets, HDS No. 5 suggests +0.7. This column is only available for catalog pipe conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Catalog Pipe Y Lets you define the Y equation coefficient that is used in the submerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Catalog Pipe M Lets you define the M equation coefficient that is used in both forms of the unsubmerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Catalog Pipe C Lets you define the C equation coefficient that is used in the submerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Catalog Pipe K Lets you define the K equation coefficient that is used in both forms of the unsubmerged inlet control equation. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Catalog Pipe Inlet Description Lets you enter an inlet description for the associated conduit. This column is only available for circle conduits that do Apply Culvert Data.
Catalog Pipe Apply Culvert Data Contains list boxes that allow you to specify whether the associated box conduit does or does not apply culvert data.
Catalog Pipe Number of Barrels Lets you specify the number of hydraulically identical conduit barrels that make up the conduit. This column is only available for elements whose Conduit Type is Closed Conduit.
Catalog Pipe Lets you specify the previously defined catalog pipe associated with the conduit.
Semi-Ellipse Span Lets you define the span (width) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have a semi-ellipse Section Type.
Semi-Ellipse Rise Lets you define the rise (height) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have a semi-ellipse Section Type.
Egg Span Lets you define the span (width) of the associated conduit. This column is only available for conduits that have an egg Section Type.
Design Percent Full Design Capacity The percentage full that you would like the link to maintain. If you want the pipe to be 75% full, enter in the 75 in the field. This value in no way affects the network calculations. It is informational only.