Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Snow Removal Parameters Tab

The Snow Removal Parameters tab of the Snow Pack Editor dialog describes how snow removal occurs within the Plowable area of a snow pack. The following parameters govern this process:

  • Depth at which snow removal begins: Depth which must be reached before any snow removal begins.
  • Fraction transferred out of watershed: The fraction of snow depth that is removed from the system (and does not become runoff).
  • Fraction transferred to the impervious area: The fraction of snow depth that is added to snow accumulation on the pack's impervious area.
  • Fraction transferred to the pervious area: The fraction of snow depth that is added to snow accumulation on the pack's pervious area.
  • Fraction converted to immediate melt: The fraction of snow depth that becomes liquid water which runs onto any catchment associated with the snow pack.
  • Snow Transferred Outside Catchment: The fraction of snow depth which is added to the snow accumulation on some other catchment.
  • Snow Catchment: The name of the catchment that receives the snow that is transferred outside of the snow pack.

The various removal fractions must add up to 1.0 or less. If less than 1.0, then some remaining fraction of snow depth will be left on the surface after all of the redistribution options are satisfied.