Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Definition of SCS Hydrologic Soil Groups

Group A

Group A soils have low runoff potential and high infiltration rates even when thoroughly wetted. They consist chiefly of deep, well to excessively drained sands or gravels and have a high rate of water transmission (greater than 0.30 in./hr.).

Group B

Group B soils have moderate infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils with moderately fine to moderately course textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission (0.15 to 0.30 in./hr.).

Group C

Group C soils have low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water and soils with moderately coarse textures. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission (0.05-0.15 in./hr.).

Group D

Group D soils have high runoff potential. They have very low infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and consist chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and shallow soils over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very low rate of water transmission (0.00 to 0.05 in./hr.).

TR-55 provides an extensive table detailing different land uses, soil types and their associated CN values.