Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Adding a Minor Loss Collection to a Pressure Pipe

Pressure pipes can have an unlimited number of minor loss elements associated with them. Subsurface Utilities provides an easy-to-use table for editing these minor loss collections in the Minor Loss Collection dialog box.

Note: For more information on minor losses, see "Minor Losses"-356.

To add a minor loss collection to a pressure pipe:

  1. Click a pressure pipe in your model to display the Property Editor, or right-click a pressure pipe and select Properties from the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Physical: Minor Losses section of the Property Editor, click the Ellipses (...) button next to the Minor Loss Coefficient field.
  3. In the Minor Loss Collection dialog box, each row in the table represents a single minor loss type and its associated headloss coefficient. For each row in the table, perform the following steps:
  4. Type the number of minor losses of the same type to be added to the composite minor loss for the pipe in the Quantity column, then press the Tab key to move to the Minor Loss column.
  5. Click the Ellipses (...) button in the Minor Loss column to display the Minor Loss Libraries in the Engineering Libraries.
  6. Click the plus signs to expand the Minor Loss Libraries, then select the desired minor loss type and click the Select button. The minor loss type and its associated headloss coefficient appears in the table in the Minor Loss Collection dialog box. Note that the Headloss Coefficient column in the table is not editable. You can edit the values of a minor loss type in the Engineering Libraries in the Editor pane.
  7. When you are finished adding minor losses to the table, click Close. The composite minor loss coefficient for the minor loss collection appears in the Property Editor.
  8. Perform the following optional steps:
  9. To delete a row from the table, select the row label then click Delete.
  10. To view a report on the minor loss collection, click Report.
  11. You can override the headloss coefficient for the minor loss collection by typing a custom value in the Minor Loss Coefficient field of the Property Editor.

Minor Loss Collection Dialog Box

The Minor Loss Collection dialog box contains buttons and a minor loss table. The dialog box contains the following controls:

New This button creates a new row in the table.
Delete This button deletes the currently highlighted row from the table.
Report Opens a print preview window containing a report that details the input data for this dialog box.

The table contains the following columns:

Column Description
Quantity The number of minor losses of the same type to be added to the composite minor loss for the pipe.
Minor Loss The type of minor loss element. Clicking the Ellipses button next to this field displays the Minor Loss Engineering Libraries, where you select an existing minor loss type to be included in your minor loss collection.
Headloss Coefficient The headloss coefficient for a single minor loss element of the specified type.