Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Node Summary Tab

This tab displays a table of calculations for nodes in your model. Nodes include catch basins, manholes, and transitions. You cannot modify the table, it is read-only. To edit a node, select it in the Drawing Pane and edit its attributes in the Property Editor.

The Node Summary tab displays the following information:

Label: Displays the label of each node in your model.

Element Type: Displays the kind of node being reported on.

Subnetwork Outfall: Most downstream outfall for the node's gravity subnetwork.

Flow (Total Surface): Summation of all surface catchment inflows draining to the inlet.

Flow (Total Out): Sum of flows at the downstream side of the struture.

Elevation (Ground): Ground elevation for the node.

Elevation (Invert): Invert elevation for the node.

Conduit Description: Displays the Conduit Description. The Conduit Description field is a special field which can automatically consolidate several conduit properties into one field. For more information, see the Conduit Description Attribute topic.

Conduit Shape: Displays the shape of the conduit.

Branch ID: Branch identifier for the conduit, determined during engine parsing.

Subnetwork Outfall: Most downstream element of the conduit's subnetwork outfall.

Flow: Total flow through the conduit during the calculation.

Velocity (Average): The average velocity of flow through the conduit over the duration of the run.

Hydraulic Grade Line (In): Hydraulic Grade Line at the upstream end of the conduit.

Hydraulic Grade Line (Out): Hydraulic Grade Line at the downstream end of the conduit.

Depth (In): Depth at the upstream end of the conduit.

Depth (Out): Depth at the downstream end of the conduit.

Energy Grade Line (In): Energy grade line at the upstream side of the node.

Energy Grade Line (Out): Energy grade line at the downstream side of the node.