Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Example: Dimensionless Time and Depth Curves

Statistical analyses were performed using updated rainfall information for a certain geographic location in the United States. This study yielded the statistical distributions shown in the figure below. Given:A 10 year return event for a certain area has the following total rainfall depths corresponding to various durations:
  • 1 hr. P = 2.11 in.
  • 6 hr. P = 3.37 in.
  • 12 hr. P = 3.91 in.
  • 18 hr. P = 4.13 in.
  • 24 hr. P = 4.49 in.
Find: Rainfall curves (time versus depth) for the 1-, 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-hour durations, using the statistically derived distributions in the following figure.

Solution: First, select the distribution that corresponds to each desired duration. Then multiply the Y-axis by the total rainfall depth for that duration and the X-axis by that duration.

Solution to Example

The figure displays the results of this example. Different curve types (A, B and C from the previous graph) were used to model different duration storms. Note how the total depth increases, but overall intensity (slope of the curve) decreases as the duration is lengthened.