Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help


The input parameters for each method are listed below.

  • Loss method
  • Capillary suction
  • Ks
  • Moisture deficit
  • fc
  • fo
  • Initial abstraction
  • K
  • Recovery constant
  • Maximum volume
  • Storage (Impervious Depression)
  • Storage (Pervious Depression)
  • Manning's n (Impervious)
  • Manning's n (Pervious)
  • Percent impervious
  • Slope
  • Subarea routing
  • Percent routed

If you are using the EPA SWMM runoff method with the SWMM engine, you must:

1. Use the EPA-SWMM runoff for all catchments;

2. Use the same loss method for all catchments;

3. Set the Infiltration Method under Calculation Options to the loss method used by all catchments.

For more information on SWMM input data, see "Using the SWMM Solver"-320.