Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Test End Conditions

Tests end condition solutions, tests overly/stripping components, and tests component display rule true or false flags.


displays the current template. Non-solved end conditions, and their child components, are displayed in dashed lines. Normal components and solved end conditions are displayed as solid lines. The display has all the standard windowing commands and scrollbars.

Available Targets

lists all of the targets applicable to the current template. You can select the desired target and draw it in the display.

Use Surface Slope

specifies the slope of the surface that is being placed. This is useful in certain instances where an end condition intersects a surface more than once, such as a ditch profile.


draws the selected target. Surfaces and elevations are drawn as horizontal lines. Features and alignments are drawn as + marks. As you draw a target, the display dynamically updates to show the solution(s).


clears all the drawn targets.

Display Rules

list the display rules for the current template. Left-click over a value to toggle between True and False. Press the Reset button to restore the original Display Rules values.

Failure Report

activates the Results dialog. When you fail to get a solution on one or both sides, the results show which components failed and which end condition start points were not solved.

Check Priorities

tests the template for priority conflicts. When conflicts exist, a message is displayed indicating there are end conditions that start from the same points and have the same priorities. The End Condition Priority Conflicts dialog is displayed. If no conflicts exist, a message box indicating no conflicts is displayed.

Check Duplicates

checks for duplicate feature and component names for the given solution. If duplicate feature or component names are found, the Duplicate Feature Name List dialog is displayed. If no duplicates are found, a message to this effect is displayed.

(View Windowing)

allows you perform standard zoom in/out; zoom in/out in the X direction; zoom in/out the Y direction; window area, and fit the view.