Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Create New Pre/Post-Development Scenarios

This dialog allows you to quickly create scenarios alternatives for pre- and post-development conditions.

The dialog consists of the following controls:

  • Scenario Creation Type: This menu contains the following options:
    • Pre and Post-Development: This option will create both pre and post-development scenarios and associated alternatives.
    • Pre-Development Only: This option will create only pre-development scenarios and associated alternatives.
    • Post-Development Only: This option will create only post-development scenarios and associated alternatives
  • Pre-Development Label Prefix: This field allows you to define the prefix label that will be assigned to all of the pre-development scenarios and alternatives that are created by this wizard.
  • Post-Development Label Prefix: This field allows you to define the prefix label that will be assigned to all of the post-development scenarios and alternatives that are created by this wizard.
  • Return Event Label: This list allows you to define any number of return event labels. Click the New button to add a new row; click the Delete button to remove the row that is currently highlighted. The return event labels are used as the suffix for the pre-development and post-development scenarios (one pre-development and one post-development scenario is created for each label in this table), and as the alternative label for the rainfall runoff alternatives (one rainfall runoff alternative is created for each label in this table).

Click the Create button to generate the specified scenarios and alternatives; click Cancel to close the dialog without creating scenarios or alternatives.