Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Release Notes - Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Update 3

This version of Subsurface Utilities is based on the Haestad CONNECT Edition Update 1 release (


Hydraulics and Hydrology Enhancements

  1. The New Storm Event Scenarios tool that was introduced in Update 2 has been enhanced. It now lets you choose the return periods and durations to use from IDF storm data, and converts it into rainfall depths, before creating the storm events, scenarios, alternatives and calculation options required for simulations.
  2. Support has been added for the UK Flood Estimation Handbook rainfall data, which can be calculated by specifying appropriate values for the six catchment descriptors. This calculates IDF data, which can then be used in combination with an appropriate storm profile to create rainfall data for use in simulation.
  3. Support has been added for the Australian Bureau of Meteorology rainfall data, which can be downloaded as a CSV file. This provides IDF data (DDF data is automatically converted) which can then be used in combination with an appropriate storm profile to create rainfall data for use in simulations.
  4. Additional return periods can now be added to the UK Flood Studies Report and Flood Estimation Handbook IDF storm data formats. A 75-year return period is now added automatically.
  5. Storm event data now stores the name of the library and storm profile used to create it, to make it easier to see how it was created.
  6. The ability to sort relevant hydraulic FlexTables in dendritic order has been added.

Modelling Enhancements

  1. Feature definitions for hydraulic (i.e. storm and sanitary) elements now support the selection of a subset of the available User Data Extensions (UDX). As an example of how you might use this, you could set up two UDX fields for pipe bedding - one for carrier drains and one for filter drains - and choose the appropriate one for each conduit feature definition. This would ensure that only the valid bedding types are available for each type of conduit.


  1. Several issues have been addressed in the functionality for conduits that follow a terrain model, such as Communications ducts.
  2. Issues have been addressed when changing the start or stop node for a conduit, and to ensure that the profile model correctly reflects the new node data.
  3. Issues have been addressed to prevent the top of a node being raised above the referenced terrain model or mesh, and also to ensure that the bottom of a node is correctly updated when the size of a conduit is changed.
  4. An issue that could cause an incorrect longitudinal slope to be set for a catch basin, when placed relative to a mesh, has been resolved. In this version, a catch basin placed relative to a mesh or a terrain model will take its longitudinal slope from that surface. If you want the longitudinal slope to be read from a linear element, such as a gutter or kerb line, then select that as the reference for elevation.
  5. Functionality was introduced in Update 2 that allowed a node feature definition that only uses a single cell (such as a headwall) to support two elevation points, so that separate ground and invert levels could be assigned to it. Whilst this worked for nodes that were placed ,relative to a terrain model, it did not work for nodes that were placed with a typed in elevation, which has now been addressed.
  6. An issue has been addressed that was causing the display of hidden parts of a cell. This issue occurred if the cell was created using Boolean operations in MicroStation V8i, and the option to retain the original elements was set. For cells created in MicroStation CONNECT Edition, the original elements are always retained. Either way, a cell that looked correct in MicroStation would not look correct when placed as part of a node.
  7. The extruded part of a node now correctly uses the material defined in the element template for the bottom cell.
  8. An exception that occurred if a material attached to a cell could not be found has been resolved.