Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Point Properties

Specifes properties associated with roadway template points.


displays the point name. The drop down list includes items from the Point Name List.

Feature Name Override

displays the name of the feature that will be created in the surface to correspond to the point. This field is optional. If it is blank, then the point name will be used as the feature name.

Note: While the Point name must be unique to the template, the Feature Name does not have to be. However, if the same feature name exists on more than one point for the solution at a given station, undesirable results will occur.

The option is intended, primarily, for end condition components, to create connectivity from one station to the next when the template end conditions change. For example, if you want all surface tie-in points to belong to one feature, then set the feature name of all the ending end condition points on each side of the template to the same name (i.e. all Cut and Fill end points on the right would be given the feature name Tie_R and all the ones on the left would be given the feature name Tie_L).

Surface Feature Style

displays the feature style of the point. If no style is specified, then it comes from the first component of which the point is a member.

Alternate Surface

allows you to specify the name of an alternate surface for a point. You may choose multiple alternate surface names. Select from the list of available surfaces in the active template.

End Condition Properties

allows you to specify additional properties when a point is part of an end condition.

Check for Interception

specifies the preceding segment will be checked for interception of the target when the end-conditions are solved. If it is turned off, then the segment will be ignored when checking for interceptions.

Place Point at Interception

specifies that when an interception is found along the preceding line segment, the line segment will be drawn to the interception. Otherwise, if the interception is found, the line segment will be drawn to its maximum width.

End Condition is Infinite

specifies the last segment will be considered to be of infinite length when attempting to intercept the target. This option is applicable only to the last point on the end condition.

Do Not Construct

specifies the point will be solved like all other points in the end-condition, but the point will be skipped when drawing the component segments.

Member Of

indicates in which components the point is included.


allows you to review/edit the constraints on a point.


specifies the constraint type: None, Horizontal, Vertical, Slope, Vector-Offset, Project to Surface, Project to Design, Horizontal Maximum, Horizontal Minimum, Vertical Maximum, Vertical Minimum, Angle Distance.

Parent 1

specifies the constraint parent point.

Parent 2

displays the second parent point, only when applicable. Applicable to Horizontal and Vertical Maximum and Minimum constraints and Vector Offset Constraints.

Rollover Values (check box and button)

displays only for a slope constraint. These values are displayed in the Parent 2 field since the rollover reference point is the second parent point for the slope constraint. Selecting the checkbox activates the Rollover Values button. Selecting the button displays the Rollover Point Properties dialog.


specifies the horizontal offset for horizontal type constraints. Negative values are to the left;positive values are to the right.

For Vertical type constraints, this is the vertical offset. Negative values are down; positive values are up.

For the Slope constraint, the value is the slope. Negative Values indicate a slope that goes from upper left to lower right; positive values indicate a slope from the lower right to upper left.

For the Vector Offset constraint, a negative value is an offset to the left of the vector going from the first parent to the second parent; positive values are to the right of the vector.

For the Project to Surface constraint, the value is the name of the surface (Note that a blank name will translate to the active surface).

For the Project to Design constraint, the value is the maximum distance to attempt to project to. Negative values imply the projection is to the left; positive values project to the right.

For variable constraints, the value is the difference between two points.


displays the optional label for the constraint. Constraints that are labeled can have their value changed during design processing. The same label name can be assigned to more than one constraint and more than one point.

Project to Surface

allows you to limit the projection of a point to the surface: Any Direction (no restrictions), Down (point projects down from its original location only), Left (point projects to the left from its original location only), Right (point project to the right from it original location only), and Up (point projects up from its original location only). The Up and Down options are ignored when the other Constraint is Vertical. Similarly, the Left and Right options are ignored when the other Contraint is Horizontal.

Style Constraint

specifies, when selected, that the style contraint on a point overrides the point contraints if a feature or alignment with a matching style is found within a specified horizontal range. Activates the Style field which allows you to identify the style.

Style Constraint (Type)

allows you to select the constraint type: Horizontal, Vertical, or Both.


specifies the maximum horizontal distance to search from the point's current location to any feature or alignment with the specified style. Only the active surface and active geometry project is searched. Negative values cause the search to be to the left; positive values to the right. A value of zero causes the search to find the closest instance of the style.


saves changes to the current point.