Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Template Options

Specifies naming and step options for the current template.

Naming Options


Seed name/From Style

indicates, when selected, the component name is derived from the style specified when the component is created.

Seed Name/Specify

indicates, when selected, the component name is specified in the field.


Seed Name

allows you to specify the seed name for point in the current template. Since point names must be unique, the seed name is appended with a different number each time a point is created.

Apply Affixes

indicates, when on, that affixes are applied.

Left Prefix/Suffix

specifies which prefix/suffix should be added to a point or component when the value is on the left of 0.0 (absolute).

Right Prefix/Suffix

specifies which prefix/suffix should be added to a point or component when the value is on the right of 0.0 (absolute).

Step Options

specifies precision step input for components and points. These values can also be accessed from the Dynamic Settings dialog.

X Step

specifies the step increment for the X distance from the dynamic origin. If this value is non-zero, then the cursor moves to the horizontal increments of the specified value as measured from the dynamic origin.

Y Step

specifies the step increment for the Y distance from the dynamic origin. If this value is non-zero, then the cursor moves to the vertical increments of the specified value as measured from the dynamic origin.


specifies the step increment for slope from the dynamic origin. If this value is not 0, then the cursor moves to the slope increments of the dynamic origin. Slope is applicable only when the dynamic settings are in horizontal/slope mode.


opens the Preferences dialog.