Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Geodatabase Features

ModelBuilder provides direct support for working with Geodatabase features. A feature class is much like a shapefile, but with added functionality (such as subtypes).

The geodatabase stores objects. These objects may represent nonspatial real-world entities, such as manufacturers, or they may represent spatial objects, such as pipes in a network. Objects in the geodatabase are stored in feature classes (spatial) and tables (nonspatial).

The objects stored in a feature class or table can be organized into subtypes and may have a set of validation rules associated with them. The ArcInfo™ system uses these validation rules to help you maintain a geodatabase that contains valid objects.

Tables and feature classes store objects of the same type—that is, objects that have the same behavior and attributes. For example, a feature class called WaterMains may store pressurized water mains. All water mains have the same behavior and have the attributes ReferenceID, Depth, Material, GroundSurfaceType, Size, and PressureRating.