Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Place Label

Places labels.

  • Ribbon: Drawing Production > Notes
  • Ribbon: Drawing > Annotate > Notes
Place Label With Leader

Places a label with a leader line.
Place Label Without a Leader Line

Places a label without a leader line.
Type Selects the cell type from the drop-down list.
Cell Name Selects the cell name from the drop-down list.
Note: When a cell name is picked the tool loads the dimension style if there is one of the same name.
Dimension Style Selects the dimensions style for the leader.

To create a new dimension style, click the Browse icon next to the Dimension Style option menu to open the Dimension Styles dialog.

To restore any dimension-related tool settings to the default dimension style settings, click the Reset Style icon.

Label Rotation Sets the rotation of the label relative to the leader line: Horizontal, Vertical, or Inline.
Start At Sets whether the label should start from the terminator or from the cell.
Horizontal Attachment Sets the leader attachment side: Auto, Left or Right.
Annotation Scale

Turns on annotation scale. When this lock is on, the annotation scale is applied to the section callout. By default, the annotation scale is taken from the model's Annotation Scale setting. You can change it only in the model's properties in the Properties dialog. The exception is when the model's Propagate Annotation Scale property is off. In that case, the annotation scale can be controlled independently for each element via its properties.
Place Label With Regular Association

Sets regular association with the element. If you place a label with this setting turned on and the Place Label With Relative Association turned off, the label is placed with regular association. In this case, if you move the element, the label remains at the same place, only the leader line moves along with the element.
Place Label With Relative Association

(Enabled only when Place Label With Association is enabled) Sets relative association with the element. If a label is placed with relative association with an element, the label will stay at the same location relative to the original snap point. That is, if you move the element the label will also move with it.