Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Configuration Variables

The following variables allow you to configure Subsurface Utility Design & Analysis as needed for your workflows.

SU_3D_Bends_Detail =

Valid Values are:

Low – (default value) – bends in the 3D models of conduits have a lower resolution, which provides better performance in larger datasets.

High – bends in the 3D models of conduits are modeled to resemble fittings.

SU_3D_Structure_ExtrudeMethod =

Valid Values are:

Up – (default value) - which means extrude upward using a slice from top of vault.

Down – which means to extrude a slice off the bottom of top cell downwards.


SUDA_SEED_FILE (and SUDA_SEED_MODEL) config variables copy hydraulic seed data from the DGNLib to the active DGN, when a utility project is created. See the "Hydraulic Seed Data" topic for more details on what this can include.

As well as the other Hydraulic Seed data, this DGNlib may also contain UDX data and the i-model configuration settings. When you run these tools, you are asked whether you want to define them for "Subsurface Utilities" or "Hydraulic Analysis". If you choose "Hydraulic Analysis", then the UDX data and the i-model configuration settings will be stored in the SUDA database, and will be copied from the SUDA_SEED_FILE DGNLib to the active DGN when a utility project is created.


The model within the preceding seed file that contains the hydraulic seed data.


SUE_SEED_FILE (and SUE_SEED_MODEL) config variables copy User Data Extensions (UDX) and i-model Configuration settings that have been set up using the "Subsurface Utilities" schema, as opposed to the "Hydraulic Analysis" schema, from the DGNLib to the active DGN, when a utility project is created. When you run these tools, you are asked whether you want to define them for "Subsurface Utilities" or "Hydraulic Analysis". If you choose "Subsurface Utilities", then the UDX data and the i-model configuration settings will be stored in the SUE database, and will be copied from the SUE_SEED_FILE DGNLib to the active DGN when a utility project is created.


The model within the preceding seed file that contains the hydraulic seed data.


Points to the dgnlib file which stores utility filters. These filters will be loaded in Utility Filters in the OpenRoads Standards tab in Explorer, and in the Filter Manager. Note that the MS_DGNLIBLIST configuration variable must also be set to load this dgnlib file.


Allows the user to create a utility project in a DGN if the active model is 3D.


Valid values:

1 = enabled

If enabled, the conduit sizes for hydraulic (i.e. storm and sanitary) conduits are read from the data in the Hydraulic Prototype that is selected for a conduit feature definition, which could point to a Conduit Catalog, or be for a User Defined Conduit. The sizes of non-hydraulic conduits (such as electric and communications cables and ducts) are still set in the Conduit Table in the feature definition.

0 = disabled

If disabled, the conduit sizes for hydraulic (i.e. storm and sanitary) conduits are read from the Conduit Table in the feature definition when a conduit is placed, and the Haestad sizes are used by the hydraulics calculations. This means that both lists of conduit sizes have to be synchronised.

The sizes of non-hydraulic conduits (such as electric and communications cables and ducts) are still set in the Conduit Table in the feature definition, regardless of the setting for this variable.

Note: More information on Configuration Variables is available in the OpenRoads Designer help.