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HEC-22 Energy (Third Edition) - Additional Structure Losses

The second of three principle computational steps to computing energy losses through an access hole, according to the HEC-22 (Third Edition) procedure, is the summation of all additional structure losses. Total Additional Structure Losses ( H a ) is the relative step increase in energy grade line from the Initial Access Hole Energy Level ( E a i ) up to the value of the reported Energy Grade Line (In) ( E G L a ) at the upstream boundary side of the node.

E G L a = E a i + H a

E a i = Initial Access Hole Energy Level. See also: HEC-22 (Third Edition) Entrance Loss.

The Total Additional Structure Losses ( H a ) is the combination of all additional structure losses due to benching, angled inflows, and plunging flows through the structure:

H a = H B + H θ + H P

H B = Additional loss for benching. See also: HEC-22 (Third Edition) Loss for BenchingHEC-22 Energy (Third Edition) – Benching.

H θ = Additional loss for angled inflows. See also: HEC-22 (Third Edition) Loss for Angled Inflow.

H P = Additional loss for plunging flows. See also: HEC-22 (Third Edition) Loss for Plunging.