Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Naming Setup

Defines how components and points are named when they are initially added to a template through component creation. You can also define how point names are modified during a drag and drop operation. Since point names must be unique within a template, any name that is created which already exists is concatenated with an index number (1,2,3&ldots;).


Seed Name

From Feature Style

specifies, when selected, that the component name is initially the feature style name.


specifies, when selected, that the component name is indicated with indices (1,2,3&ldots;) appended to subsequent components.


Identifies how the initial point names are determined.

Seed Name

From Template Name

indicates, when selected, the point name is the template name with the appropriate prefixes, suffixes, and indices appended.

From Component Name

indicates, when selected, the point name is the component name with the appropriate prefixes, suffixes, and indices applied.


specifies the point name with the appropriate prefixes, suffixes, and indices appended.

Apply Affixes

indicates, when on, that affixes are applied.

Prefix/Suffix (Left/Right)

specifies which prefix and/or suffix should be added to a point or component when the value is on the left/right of 0.0 (absolute).