Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

SCADAConnect Toolbar

When the user selects Analysis > SCADA > SCADAConnect, the following toolbar becomes available:

The first button opens the SCADA signals dialog which can also be reached from Components > SCADA Signals. This is where connections and signal mappings are created (see “SCADA Signals Dialog”-618).

The second button opens the SCADA flex tables which can also be opened from View > Flex Tables. It enables the user to view SCADA and model values in the same table.

The third button opens the initial setting dialog which enables the user to select a time and import values of certain properties into the initial conditions alternative such as wet well and pump status (see“Initial Setting Import Dialog”-626).

The fourth button creates a SCADAConnect log which enables the user to view what SCADAConnect did and is helpful in debugging problems.

The fifth button opens this Help topic.