Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Physical Alternative for Gutters

The physical alternative editor for gutters is used to create various data sets for the physical characteristics of gutters. The following columns are available:

Column Description
ID Displays the unique identifier for each element in the alternative.
Label Displays the label for each element in the alternative.
Manning’s n (Gutter) Lets you define the Manning’s roughness of each gutter in the alternative.
Gutter Material Lets you specify the material of each gutter in the alternative.
Length (User Defined) Lets you define the length of each gutter in the alternative that has a user defined length.
Has User Defined Length Lets you specify whether the channel has a user-defined or schematic length.
Depth Lets you define the depth of the trapezoidal gutter. This column is only available for gutters that have a Trapezoid Open Cross Section type.
Slope (Right Side) Lets you define the right side slope of the trapezoidal gutter. This column is only available for gutters that have a Trapezoid Open Cross Section type.
Slope (Left Side) Lets you define the left side slope of the trapezoidal gutter. This column is only available for gutters that have a Trapezoid Open Cross Section type.
Bottom Width Lets you define the width of the bottom of the trapezoidal gutter. This column is only available for gutters that have a Trapezoid Open Cross Section type.
Open Cross Section Lets you specify whether the cross section is Generic or Trapezoidal for each gutter in the alternative.
Irregular Channel Clicking the Ellipsis (…) button in this field opens the Irregular Channel editor, allowing you to define the shape of each gutter in the alternative that uses the Irregular Channel Open Cross Section type.