Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

LID Validations

Network Connectivity:

LID areas can only link to a single Parent Catchment. A catchment may have its runoff pre-treated by one or many LID Control elements.

Underdrain Connections: LID's Undrain Outflow Element can be the Parent Catchment or its Outflow Element. The underdrain flow can be sent to most nodes, including boundary nodes and ponds. If not designated, underdrain flow will route along with its surface overflow to the Parent Catchment.

LIDs and Run-On: With the Explicit (SWMM) solver, outflow from LID can run-on to a downstream catchment area via an outfall node element. For the 'Route to Catchment' attribute of the outfall, select the downstream catchment. Then set the outfall as the 'Underdrain Outflow Element' of the LID. The can also be accomplished with surface runoff by setting LID to return flow to the catchment's outlet, and declaring the outfall as the parent catchment's outflow element.

Valid Values:

If the values set for the following attributes fall outside the specified valid range, an error or user notification will be generated.

  • Surface Storage Depth: >= 0
  • Surface Vegetative Cover: >= 0
  • Surface Roughness: > 0
  • Surface Slope: >= 0
  • Surface Swale Side Slope: >= 0
  • Soil Thickness: > 0
  • Soil Porosity: > 0
  • Soil Field Capacity: > 0 & < Soil Porosity
  • Soil Wilting Point: > 0 & < Soil Field Capacity
  • Soil Conductivity: > 0
  • Soil Conductivity Slope: >= 0
  • Soil Suction Head: > 0
  • Storage Height: > 0
  • Storage Void Ratio: > 0
  • Storage Conductivity: >= 0
  • Storage Clogging Factor: >= 0
  • Drain Coefficient: >= 0
  • Drain Exponent: >= 0
  • Drain Offset Height: >= 0
  • Drain Delay (for Barrels only): >=0
  • Flow Capacity: (for Rooftop Disconnection only): if drain coefficient > 0, should be > 0
  • Pavement Thickness: > 0
  • Pavement Void Ratio: > 0
  • Pavement Impervious Surface Fraction: >= 0
  • Pavement Permeability: > 0
  • Pavement Clogging Factor: =0
  • Drainage Mat Thickness: > 0
  • Drainage Mat Void Fraction: if thickness > 0: if 0 or less, if 1 or greater
  • Drainage Mat Roughness: if depth > 0: if 0 or less