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Grate Inlet in Sag

Grate Inlet

The flow Qiw intercepted by a grate inlet operating as a weir is:

  W = Width of the grate (m, ft)
  L = Length of the grate (m, ft)
  C W = Weir Coefficient (1.66 SI, 3.0 U.S. customary)
  d1 = Flow depth at middle of grate(m, ft)
  d 2 = Flow depth at side of grate opposite the curb (m, ft)

The flow Qio intercepted by a grate inlet operating as an orifice is:

  Qio = Capacity of the grate operating as an orifice (cfs, m 3 /s)
  A = Clear opening area of grate (ft2 , m2 )
  d = Average depth of flow over grate (ft, m)
  g = Acceleration due to gravity (ft/s2 , m/s2 )

The intercepted flow Qi is conservatively calculated at any flow depth by using the lesser of the intercepted flows computed using the weir or orifice equation:

This accounts for the three stages: weir flow, orifice flow and transitional flow.

Note: The depth of flow over the grate opening could vary significantly with gutter shape and when considering local depression.