Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Slot Inlet in Sag

Weir Flow

Slotted inlets located in sag operate as weirs to water depths, d (measured at the curb from the normal cross slope), of about 0.06 m (0.2ft).

The intercepted flow Qiw is expressed as:

Qiw = CwLd1.5

  Cw = Weir coefficient—varies with flow depth and slot length (typically 1.4 SI, 2.48 U.S. customary)
  d = Water depth at curb, measured from normal cross slope (m, ft)
  L = Slot length (m, ft)

Orifice Flow

At water depths (measured at the curb) greater than about 0.12 m (0.4 ft), slotted inlets perform as orifices.

The intercepted flow Qio is expressed as:

Qio = 0.8LW(2gd)0.5

  W = Slot width (m, ft)
  d = Water depth at slot (m, ft)

Transitional Flow

At depths between 0.06 m (measured at the slot from the normal cross slope) and 0.12 m, the flow is in a transition stage.

The intercepted flow Qi is conservatively calculated in this depth range as:

Qi = min(Qiw, Qio)