Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Feature Types - Nodes, Links, and Polygons

Subsurface utilities are modeled using a node and link (segment) model. Node features are point type features. Links (segments) are linear features. Polygons are used for area type features such as catchments. New Node Feature Definition, Conduit Feature Definition, and Polygon types are included to support the needs of the utility designer.

Some examples of nodes:

  • Catch Basin
  • Manhole
  • Control Valves
  • Meters
  • Sensors
  • Hand holes
  • Pull Boxes
  • Tees, Wyes, Bends

Some examples of conduits:

  • Storm Drain or Sanitary Sewer Pipe
  • Under Drains
  • Field Drains
  • Culverts
  • Fiber Optic Cable
  • Electrical Cable
  • Lighting Cables
  • Ducts

Some examples of polygon feature types:

  • Catchments (Drainage Areas)
  • Low Impact Development Features