Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Profile Runs

Profile Runs have several uses:

For hydraulic (i.e. storm or sanitary) networks, you can view hydraulic information such as the hydraulic and energy grade lines. If the system has been analysed using a dynamic wave solver, then these lines are time-dependant.

For any profile run, you can view a section through a selected terrain model or surface, which helps you to get an appreciation for the depth of cover.

You can project a profile run onto a linear element, such as a road centreline, so you can judge whether the slopes of the conduits are in the same direction and magnitude as the road or track design. You can project a profile run onto another profile run, to check that a storm or sanitary system is below a water distribution system, for example.

Project Run works by raising a normal from the start and end of each conduit to the linear element. The length of each conduit can therefore appear to increase or decrease. In an extreme situation, where a conduit crosses a road for example, the length of the conduit could be significantly reduced.

Once they have been created, profile runs are shown in the Explorer, in the Subsurface Utility Model category. Right-click on the profile run of interest to display a pop-up menu, from which you can view, rename, or delete the profile.