Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Steady State Simulation

Steady-state analysis determines the operating behavior of the system at a specific point in time or under steady-state conditions (flow rates and hydraulic grades remain constant over time). Steady state simulations can be run with the GVF-rational solver or GVF-convex solver (with Time Analysis Type set to "Steady" in Calculation options. This type of analysis can be useful for determining pressures and flow rates under minimum, average, and peak flows.

For this type of analysis, the network equations are determined and solved with wet wells being treated as fixed grade boundaries. The results that are obtained from this type of analysis are instantaneous values and may or may not be representative of the values of the system a few hours, or even a few minutes, later in time.

In the GVF-rational solver, flows may not be additive at nodes because but CA values are additive. For the GVF-convex solver, flows may not be additive when an Extreme flow setup is specified as peaking factors will decrease moving downstream. If a steady run is desired in the Explicit or Implicit solvers, maintaining a constant loading over a run with no hydrographs can give roughly steady results, except for pump and wet well cycling.