Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Reporting Time Steps Dialog Box

This dialog allows you to specify whether the output results for different time steps during an extended period simulation will or will not be written to the results file.

You do this by specifying ranges of time during which:

  • All of the time steps are reported on and written to the results file
  • None of the time steps are reported on and written to the results file

Time steps that fall within the specified constant interval are reported on and written to the results file

The first row in this dialog will always be 0.00 hours, which is the beginning of the first time range. To specify the first range of time, enter the end time step in the second row, for example 24 hours. Specify the type in the first row, for example <All>. In this example, all time steps between hour 0 (the start of the simulation) and hour 24 will be written to the results file. To specify further ranges of time, add new rows with the New button. Remove rows with the Delete button. The last range in the dialog will start at the time specified in the last row and end at the end of the simulation.