Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

LID Control Types

LID controls are intended to intercept stormwater and control it through detention, infiltration and/or evapotranspiration. The hydrologic performance of five basic LID control types can be modeled in the software:

  • Bioretention cells include facilities such as rain gardens, planters, and green roofs. They typically consist of surface storage and vegetation, and an engineered soil layer with a gravel drainage layer beneath it. The gravel layer may include an underdrain system.
  • Infiltration trenches are trenches filled with gravel that can store stormwater in void spaces while it infiltrates into surrounding soils. There may also be an underdrain system.
  • Porous pavement consists of a surface pavement layer (may be continuous porous pavement or block pavers) over a layer of gravel. The porous surface allows stormwater to enter and be stored in the gravel layer while it infiltrates into surrounding soils. The gravel layer may include an underdrain system.
  • Rain barrels are containers that collect runoff from roofs. The captured stormwater can be released at a controlled rate later, or used for irrigation. (Cisterns are also modeled using the "rain barrel" LID control type.)
  • Vegetative swales are channels or depressions covered with vegetation. They allow time for a portion of intercepted stormwater to infiltrate the soil.

See Also

”Hydrologic Model Representation of LID Controls’

”Low Impact Development Controls Manager’