Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Critical Storm Summary Results Table

Once the critical storm analysis is complete, this table displays the results of the analysis.

On the right-click context menu of any column, you can use "Dendritic Sort (Upstream -> Downstream)". This is the same sort option found in FlexTables.


Exports the contents of the table to tab or comma-delimited text files. Also exports the Analysis Type, Critical Scenario, and HGL or Flow values to properties on the relevant elements. Note that these values are stored in the current User Data Extensions alternative.

A right-click on the first column in a row header displays a pop-up menu which lets you zoom to the selected element. You can also display a graph of the results, such as the example shown here which is for the Flow in Conduits - Mean Flow analysis type:

A right-click on the first column in one or more rows lets you open only these selected rows

Copy This button will copy the current selection in the table. The drop-down also provides the option to copy the column headers. You can also right-click in the table to get the same copy options or use CTRL-C to copy the contents of the selection (this excludes the headers).
Edit This will open the table editor to select or deselect columns to show in the table.
Zoom This will zoom to the node in the selected row. If multiple rows are selected, the last row selected will be used for the zoom.
Find Use this button to find any text in the table.
Report The button generates a report for the table. The drop-down menu contains "Report Current Time Step" and "Report in XML". The "Report in XML" will generate an XML Report that can be modified by applying a different XML Template.
Options This button provides options to create a selection set, add to a selection set and remove from a section set. You can also access the critical storm status options from the drop-down menu.
Select In Drawing This button provides a drop-down with the following options: Select in Drawing - selects the nodes selected in the table in the drawing, clearing the existing selection. Add to Selection - adds to the current drawing selection, the currently selected nodes in the table. Remove from Current Selection - removes from the current selection, the currently selected nodes in the table. Select within Current Selection - selects within the current selection the selected nodes in the table removing all other elements from the selection. Select from Drawing - selects the nodes in the current drawing selection in the table. If the node is not in the table, it is not selected. Other element types are ignored completely.

There are several available columns in the table. These vary slightly, depending on the Analysis Type selected. By default, all columns are available in the table. You can modify which columns are included by using the Edit button in the toolbar. The available columns are as follows:

Columns that are common:
  • * - this column shows the status of the node or conduit.
  • Status - either OK, Surcharged, Overflow Risk, or Overflow. See the Critical Storm Analysis section to see how each status is determined
  • Critical Scenario - this is the label of the critical scenario for this node or conduit
  • Critical Storm Event - this is the storm event assigned to the scenario in the rainfall runoff alternative
  • First Surcharge (Return Period/Duration/ Rainfall Curve) - this is the label of the first scenario that surcharged for this element. The format is return period/duration/profile.
    • The return period and duration are retrieved from the scenario's storm event.
    • The rainfall curve is the label of the dimensionless curve used to generate the storm event, if available. If this is not available, it is shown as <unavailable>
  • Flow / Capacity - this is the ratio of the maximum flow over the full flow capacity
  • First Overflow (Return Period/Duration/Rainfall Curve) - this is the label of the first scenario that overflowed for this node. The format is return period/duration/profile.
    • The return period and duration are retrieved from the scenario's storm event.
    • The rainfall curve is the label of the dimensionless curve used to generate the storm event, if available. If this is not available, it is shown as <unavailable>
  • Volume (Pipe, Discharge) - the total pipe volume out of the downstream pipe of the node or in the conduit
  • Velocity (Pipe, Maximum) - the maximum velocity of the downstream pipe or in the conduit
  • Flow (Pipe, Maximum) - the maximum flow in the downstream pipe or in the conduit

Columns that are specific to Hydraulic Grade Line at Nodes:

  • Node - this is the label of the node analyzed
  • Element Type - the type of node - i.e. Manhole, Catch Basin, etc.
  • Downstream Pipe - this is the label of the downstream pipe connected to the node
  • Soffit (Pipe) - this is the soffit of the downstream pipe
  • Elevation (Rim) - this is the rim elevation of the node
  • Freeboard (Required) - the required depth below the rim elevation that is used to determine the lower limit of the overflow risk status
  • Freeboard Elevation - this is the rim elevation of the node minus the freeboard depth
  • Freeboard Height (Minimum) - this is minimum distance of the Hydraulic Grade below the Elevation (Rim) for the critical scenario. This value will be negative if the element is flooded
  • Hydraulic Grade - this is the maximum, median, or mean hydraulic grade of the node for the critical scenario
  • Depth (Surcharge) - this is the derived surcharge depth of the node for the critical scenario. The surcharge depth is the difference between the maximum hydraulic grade and the pipe soffit
  • Flow (Maximum Overflow) - the maximum overflow at the node for the critical scenario
  • Volume (Overflow) - the total volume of overflow coming out of the node for the critical scenario

Columns that are specific to Flow in Conduits:

  • Conduit - this is the label of the conduit analyzed
  • Element Type - Closed Section, Open Section, or Culvert
  • Node (Upstream) - this is the label of the upstream node connected to the conduit
  • Rise (Conduit) - the rise of the conduit, which is the diameter for a circular section
  • Invert (Start) - the invert at the start of the conduit
  • Soffit (Start) - the soffit at the start of the conduit. Calculated by adding the Rise to the Invert
  • Conduit Freeboard (Start) - the freeboard at the start of the conduit. Calculated by deducting the Conduit Freeboard (in Options) from the Elevation Ground (Start)
  • Elevation Ground (Start) - The ground elevation at the start of the conduit
  • Hydraulic Grade (In) - The Hydraulic Grade Line at the start of the conduit
  • Invert (Stop) - the invert at the stop of the conduit
  • Soffit (Stop) - the soffit at the stop of the conduit. Calculated by adding the Rise to the Invert
  • Conduit Freeboard (Stop) - the freeboard at the stop of the conduit. Calculated by deducting the Conduit Freeboard (in Options) from the Elevation Ground (Stop)
  • Elevation Ground (Stop) - The ground elevation at the stop of the conduit
  • Hydraulic Grade (Out) - The Hydraulic Grade Line at the stop of the conduit
  • Flow - this is the maximum, median, or mean flow in the conduit for the critical scenario

Once the Critical Storm Table is closed, in order to re-open it, the user must rerun the critical storm analysis.