Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Place Gutter

Place Gutter is used to define the following hydraulic characteristics of a drainage network:

  • The path of bypass flow between inlets
  • The shape of gutter between inlets.

There is no relationship between the hydraulic definition of a gutter defined with this command and the physical model. The hydraulic and physical characteristics are handled separately and independently.

When the tool is started there is a check made to determine if Analytic View is turned on. It is necessary for analytic view to be toggled on because hydraulic gutter definitions are visible only by way of analytic view.

When the command starts:

  • Pull and Segment Length - used to define a curved gutter layout by applying a deflection at each joint.
  • Slope - user defined slope along the conduit
  • Feature Definition - Defines the feature definition to be assigned to the new gutter.
  • Description - A feature definition can contain multiple definitions for size. The available, defined dimensional variations are available here.

The feature definition used for the gutter layout can define the cross-sectional shape of the gutter. It is important to remember the following:

  • The shape is only used for hydraulic calculations not for production of any physical model
  • The shape can be ignored and define the gutter prototype to use the upstream node to define gutter shape.

Notes about gutter shape definition:

  • All nodes contain a definition for a gutter shape. This is specifically used to define the spread section exactly at the inlet.
  • If the gutter shape is constant everywhere, including at the inlets, then it is appropriate and efficient to define a single gutter feature definition where the assigned prototype simply refers to the connected nodes for gutter shape.
  • If the gutter has a different shape at the inlets then define the inlets to reflect the gutter at inlets and define feature definitions to reflect the remainder of gutter not at the inlets. This situation is often seen for curb inlets or drop inlets where the gutter is wider and/or steeper at the inlet.