Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Apply Shoulder Rollover Lock

Use this dialog box to create a control line for shoulder points using high and low-side algebraic differences. This command creates a control line using the input values; then, assigns the control line to the specified point.

Shoulder Point

specifies the shoulder point that is controlled by rollover. Select the point from the list or use the locate button to identify the point.

Control Line Name

specifies a name for the control line.

High Side


specifies the absolute difference between the shoulder slope and the road slope. This value is always positive.

Maximum Slope

indicates, when checked on, that an absolute upper bound on the shoulder slope is used. Specify this value, including the correct negative or positive sign, in the field.

Instantaneous Shoulder Rollup Transition Option

applies only when the specified high side difference is less than the current difference between the shoulder and the edge of pavement. For example, if normal crown on the road is 2%, and the shoulder is at 4%, the difference is 2%. Any high side difference less than 2% will require an instantaneous change when rotation of the high side pavement commences to satisfy the high side difference requirement.

Specified Length

determines the length of the transition of the shoulder super before the pavement starts to super. Specify a value greater than 0.

Match Transition Slope

when checked, the length of the shoulder rollup transition is calculated such that the slope of the shoulder transition super control line matches the slope of the edge of pavement control line.

Low Side


specifies the absolute difference between the shoulder slope and the road slope. This value is always positive.

Minimum Slope

indicates, when checked on, that an absolute lower bound on the shoulder slope is used. Specify this value, including the correct negative or positive sign, in the field.



specifies, when checked on, that station range limits are used.


identifies the start station. Type in this value or identify the station using the locate button.


identifies the stop station. Type in this value or identify the station using the locate button.


applies the values, creates the control lines and assigns the point control.