Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Engineering Libraries

Engineering Libraries are powerful and flexible tools that you use to manage specifications of common materials, objects, or components that are shared across hydraulic models. Some examples of objects that are specified through engineering libraries include pipe materials, Storm Data, and unit sanitary loads. You can modify engineering libraries and the items they contain by using the Engineering Libraries command in the Components menu, or by clicking the ellipsis (...) buttons available next to the fields in dialog boxes that make use of engineering libraries.

Note: The data for each engineering library is stored in an XML file in your Subsurface Utilities program directory. We strongly recommend that you edit these files only using the built-in tools available by selecting Components > Catalog > Engineering Libraries.

You work with engineering libraries and the items they contain in the Engineering Libraries dialog box, which contains all of the hydraulic model’s engineering libraries. Individual libraries are compilations of library entries, along with their attributes. For more information about working with engineering libraries, see Working with Engineering Libraries .

By default, each hydraulic model you create in Subsurface Utilities uses the items in the default libraries. In special circumstances, you may wish to create custom libraries to use with one or more hydraulic models. You can do this by copying a standard library or creating a new library.

When you change the properties for an item in an engineering library, those changes affect all hydraulic models that use that library item. At the time a hydraulic model is loaded, all of its engineering library items are synchronized to the current library. Items are synchronized based on their label. If the label is the same, then the item’s values will be made the same.

The default libraries that are installed with Subsurface Utilities are editable. In addition, you can create a new library of any type, and can then create new entries of your own definition.

  • Library types are displayed in the Engineering Library manager in an expanding/collapsing tree view.
  • Library types can contain categories and subcategories, represented as folders in the tree view.
  • Individual library entries are contained within the categories, subcategories, and folders in the tree view.
  • Libraries, categories, folders, and library entries are displayed in the tree view with their own unique icons. You can right-click these icons to display submenus with different commands.