Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Catch Basin-Inlet

Catch Basin-Inlet Attributes

Attribute Description
Inlet Type Lets you choose the type of element associated with the currently highlighted element: Maximum Capacity , Inflow-Capture Curve , Full Capture, Catalog Inlet, and Percent Capture . The value chosen here affects the availability of the other fields described below. See Inlet Type.
Flow (Maximum in) Lets you define the maximum inflow accepted by the inlet associated with the currently highlighted element. This field is available only when the Inlet Type attribute is set to Maximum Capacity .
Inflow-Capture Curve Lets you define inflow vs. capture percentage points for the currently highlighted element. Clicking the Ellipsis (…) button in the field opens the Inflow-Capture Curve dialog box (see "Inflow-Capture Curve Dialog Box"-294). This field is available only when the Inlet Type attribute is set to Inflow-Capture Curve .
Inlet Allows you to select the catalog inlet to use. This field is available only when the Inlet Type attribute is set to Catalog Inlet . See "Default Curb Opening Length: Define the opening length."-347.
Capture Efficiency Set the percentage of flow to the inlet that is captured by the inlet.