Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Using Modelbuilder

ModelBuilder lets you use your existing GIS asset to construct a new model or update an existing model. ModelBuilder supports a wide variety of data formats, from simple databases (such as Access and DBase), spreadsheets (such as Excel or Lotus), GIS data (such as shapefiles, coverages, Esri ArcGIS Geodatabases, and ArcGIS Geometric Networks), to high end data stores (such as Oracle, and SQL Server), Bentley dgn and dgndb files, and more.

Using ModelBuilder, you map the tables and fields contained within your data source to element types and attributes in your model. The result is that a model is created, either in stand-alone mode or in an existing ArcMap model.
Note: ModelBuilder lets you bring a wide range of data into your model. However, some data is better suited to the use of the more specialized Bentley SewerGEMS modules. For instance, LoadBuilder offers many powerful options for incorporating loading data into your model.

ModelBuilder is the first tool you will use when constructing a model from GIS data. The steps that you take at the outset will impact how the rest of the process goes. Take the time now to ensure that this process goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible. The following topics are included: