Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Physical Alternative for Pressure Pipes

The physical alternative editor for pressure pipes is used to create various data sets for the physical characteristics of pressure pipes. The following columns are available:

Column Description
ID Displays the unique identifier for each element in the alternative.
Label Displays the label for each element in the alternative.
Length (User Defined)/Scaled Length The length of the currently highlighted element. To use this field, you must check the check box in the Has User Defined Length field. If you clear the check box in that field, the Length (User Defined) field displays the scaled length for the currently highlighted element.
Has User Defined Length? Lets you choose whether the highlighted element uses scaled or user-defined length. If check box in this field is checked, the Length (User Defined) field is activated.
Manning’s n The Manning's roughness of the currently highlighted element.
Hazen-Williams C The Hazen-Williams C coefficient of the currently highlighted element.
Diameter The diameter of the currently highlighted element.
Material The name of the material used. Alternatively, clicking the Ellipsis (...) button opens the Material Engineering Library, allowing you to select a pre-defined material. If a pre-defined material is chosen, the roughness value will change accordingly.
Invert (Stop) The stop invert for the currently highlighted element.
Set Invert to Stop Node? Lets you choose whether to set the invert to the stop node. When the check box checked, the invert is set to the stop node.
Invert (Start) The stop invert for the currently highlighted element.
Set Invert to Start Node? Lets you choose whether to set the invert to the start node. When the check box checked, the invert is set to the stop node.
Minor Loss Coefficient The minor loss coefficient for the currently highlighted element.
Minor Loss Collection Clicking the Ellipsis (…) button in this field opens the Minor Loss Collection dialog box, allowing you to define a collection of minor loss elements for each pressure pipe in the alternative.