Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Active Topology Selection Dialog Box

While it is possible to make elements active or inactive by:

  1. Checking or unchecking the "Is active?" box in the Alternatives Manager under the Active Topology Manager,
  2. Unchecking the "Is active?" box in a FlexTable, or
  3. Picking True of False in property grid next to "Is active?" for individual elements.

Another way of making elements active or inactive is the Active Topology Selection Tool, which is accessed through Tools>Active Topology Selection.

When the user starts Active Topology Selection, a Select tool opens. Clicking elements in the drawing view while the selection tool is enabled can make them active or inactive according to the commands below.

Making an element "inactive" means that the element remains in the data file but it is not included in any hydraulic analysis calculations. Inactive elements will appear in FlexTables but calculated values will be set to NA.

Changing the active status using this tool only affects the Active Topology Alternative of the current scenario.

The Select tool consists of the following controls:

  • Done: Select Done when you are finished selecting elements. This brings the user back to the drawing pane.
  • Add: When this button is selected, clicking elements highlights the elements and makes them Inactive. Clicking on an element that is already inactive causes the tool to give a beep and the element remains inactive.
  • Remove: While in this mode, clicking on elements that are inactive deselects them, making them Active. Clicking on active elements has no effect.
  • Clear: Clicking on this button causes all elements to become active in the current scenario.

Right clicking while the Selection tool is open (i.e. opening the right click context menu) brings up a list which enables the user to switch between Add, Remove or Done.

Note: Selecting a node element to become Inactive will also select all adjacent pipes to become Inactive. This is because all pipes must end at a node.

In AutoCAD mode, you cannot use the right-click context menu command Repeat to re-open the Active Topology Selection dialog box.