Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Demand Inversing Workflow

To use the Demand Inversing tool, the usual steps consist of:

  1. Open Demand Inversing tool. (Within SCADAConnect, Tools > Demand Inversing).
  2. Update all the tabs (Calculations, Reference Consumption, Flow Signals and Tank Signals) as necessary. See ”Demand Inversing Dialog Box’. Make sure that the zones for which demands are being calculated have been selected in the "Reference Consumption" tab.
  3. Go the Compute menu and execute Estimate Zone Flow or Demand Multiplier. The Estimate Zone Flow command will compute the model over a 24-hour period and calculate the Estimated Daily Zone Demand Volume value in the "Reference Consumption" tab. This can be useful if the daily zone demand of the physical system is known and you want to manually compute a user-defined demand multiplier that can be applied to the demands. More often the Demand Multiplier command is used, which computes the Estimated Daily Zone Demand Volume value as described above, but also reads the SCADA data from a given day and calculates the Daily Zone Demand Volume from SCADA data value. It then does a simple calculation between the estimated daily flow and the measured SCADA daily flow to come up with a Demand Multiplier.
  4. To have SCADAConnect create or update a demand alternative, go to Update and click on Write Demands. This will update the demand alternative by applying the Demand Multiplier to every input demand value in the selected zone of the model, make the simulation's demand usage match the data gotten from the physcial system. If no errors are encountered in the process SCADAConnect will and issue a message "Demand Alternative <name> Successfully Created." If the demand alternative does not show up in the alternative manager, click to Expand All in the alternative docking manager to force a refresh of the tree and see it.