Subsurface Utilities CONNECT Edition Help

Subsurface Utilities



Report Options

Offers control over how a report is displayed.

Scenario Summary

Opens the Scenario Summary report.

Calculation Summary

Gathers useful information related to the state of the calculation (e.g. success/failure), status messages for elements (e.g. pump on/off, tank full/empty), and the system flow results (e.g. flow demanded, flow stored).

Hydraulic Model Inventory

Creates a report that provides an overview of your network.

Conduit Inventory

Opens the Conduit Inventory report.

DOT Report

Combined Pipe/Node Report

Creates a report that provides an overview of the conduits and pressure pipes in the network.


  • HEC-22 Table A
  • HEC-22 (Second Edition) Detailed Report
  • HEC-22 (Second Edition) Summary Report
  • HEC-22 (Third Edition) Detailed Report
  • HEC-22 (Third Edition) Summary Report

These reports are predefined flex tables.


  • AASHTO Detailed Report
  • AASHTO Summary Report

These reports are predefined flex tables.